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Chicago Retail Store Graphics Generate Increased Sales

Chicago Retail Store Graphics Generate Increased Sales

21 Feb

By dev1

Chicago, IL – Every shopkeeper and merchant’s primary objective is to sell merchandise. When the giant nineteenth century dry goods establishments like Marshall Field & Co. shifted their business from wholesale to retail the visual display of goods became necessary to attract the retail customer. The store windows no longer simply allowed natural light to shine in the building or act as storage space for stock; they became important venues to attractively display the store’s merchandise. Gradually, the design aesthetic used in window displays moved indoors and became part of the overall interior store design, eventually displacing the importance windows altogether in suburban malls.

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Museums and department stores in America have a shared history of displaying their products, both having come of age in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Like world’s fairs, department stores and museums crowded everything together on shelves or in display cases. Today displays in museums are referred to as exhibitions, while displays in stores are referred to as “Visual Merchandising. Essentially, visual merchandising is the selling of a store’s goods through visual means, incorporating advertising, and window displays, and interior sales floor design and display. Throughout the twentieth century, well-known artists such as Salvador Dalí and Andy Warhol created window displays, while other artists who are lesser known were commissioned to design unique objects specifically for visual merchandising purposes.

1. Sell by showing and promoting the product.

2. Create an emotional connect between the viewer and the display.

3. Encourage the shopper to enter the store.

4. Get the customer to pause and “shop” the selling floor.

5. Establish, promote, and enhance the store’s visual image.

6. Entertain customers and enhance their shopping experience.

7. Introduce and explain new products.

Drawing the attention of the customer to enable him to take purchase decision within shortest possible time, and thus augmenting the selling process.

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