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Car Wraps | Myrtle Beach is Heating Up!

Car Wraps | Myrtle Beach is Heating Up!

21 Feb

By dev1

I love the fact that while the economy has grown negligible in the past year, the recession miraculously ended last year with nobody to notice.  Many small business are facing the revenue/spending challenge as this interesting economic times continues.  Many of the owners I have spoken with are still facing the similar questions as they have for the past 2 years, how much to spend, and what to spend it on.  These questions effect every aspect of the business and especially buying advertisements and marketing efforts. 

Every business is competing with other businesses within their industry and alternative options that may be outside the industry.  Grabbing the attention of your perspective clients when they are thinking about your goods or services is critical to get them to step into your shop or call your company.  More importantly to simply competing with your rivals, you are also competing to simply be heard above the advertising noise we are so use to seeing everyday.

Consumers today are under a constant barrage of marketing and advertisement messages.  So how does the business owner decide what money to spend and how to spend it to get heard by their perspective clients when they are interested in their products?

In a sea of advertising options, non stand out more so for reach and effectiveness that vehicle wraps.  Most consumers I speak with have Tivo to avoid tv ads, satellite radio doesn’t have ads, and who picks up a yellow pages any more.  Vehicle wraps have a measurable higher impression rate and significantly lower advertising cost than other forms of advertising including billboards.  It is a vibrant, attention-grabbing medium that breaks through to reach your customers.

What is a Vehicle Wrap?

Vehicle graphics have been around since the time of sign painters, but a full vehicle wrap takes a message of images and graphics and completely covers the vehicle in the message.  The process creates a moving billboard that can be computer designed and installed onto any vehicles from cars, trucks, boats, minivans, cargo vans, and even box trucks.

Once the design is approved by our client, the graphics are digitally printed onto conformable vinyl and laminated to insure quality and protect the design.  Then the vinyl is applied onto the vehicle.  Ours have a life span on 3-5 years and unlike billboards you only have to pay once for the graphic and it will last.   This is the easiest way for many small sized businesses to get a professional mobile billboard grabbing attention in their communities or cities.

The other reason many small businesses are doing vehicle wraps is they are affordable, a full vehicle wrap will typically run between $2000 and $5000 depending on the type of car, truck or van and the design requirements.  Financing is available for vehicle wraps, typically through a third party.

While vehicle graphics may not be the right solution for every business, but for those that see the benefit of a vehicle wrap as a ongoing form of advertising that will last for years this may be within your budget.  If you need an effective way to promote your company, increase your visibility in your area, a vehicle wrap or graphics package can assist you. Having your vehicle wrapped with your brand, logo, and contact information, ensures that wherever you drive, people will see. You will garner potential customers impressions for your company and products or services. Increase your exposure in your community with a corporate vehicle wrap and drive up your sales.

You can download Cranky’s FREE Vehicle Wrap Marketing Kit. See how a Cranky vehicle wrap will benefit your company.

Or call 877-775-WRAP for a quote

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